A stack of rocks in front of Napavine High School painted orange and black. The rock on the top of the stack reads "Tigers" in black writing.

Important Dates

January 10 - Student of the Month Assembly

January 20 - MLK JR Day, No School!

January 24 - End of 2nd Quarter Early Release

January 31 - Hats for Hunger, Safety City Field Trip

January 10 Student of the Month Assembly

The Elementary Assembly for December Student of the Month will start at 8:40am and will be held in the Middle School Gymnasium.

January 24 End of 2nd Quarter

For the end of 2nd quarter, the elementary will be released at 11:50am and the Jr/Sr High will release at 12pm.

January 31 Hats for Hunger & Safety City Field Trip

The elementary will have their Hats for Hunger fundraiser, where students who donate $1 will be allowed to wear a hat for the day! Proceeds will be donated to the Chehalis Food Bank. Kindergarteners and 1st Graders will have their field trip to Safety City. Safety City is a national program focused on teaching young children the fundamentals of safety. Itā€™s been a regular field trip for kids in Lewis County since 1984.

Late Start Notice

In the event that the School District needs to go with a late start due to inclement weather, there will be no breakfast served on days that have a 2-hour late start. 

Coffee Sale

The Napavine School District is excited to announce a new collaboration with Chocolati, a Seattle-based company, to create a custom coffee blend available for sale to the public. This unique partnership allows us to develop our own coffee flavor with our stamp on the packaging, all in support of raising funds for the district and our students.

For every sale on Amazon, Chocolati will donate $4 to the Napavine School District, with funds distributed quarterly.

If youā€™d like to support our students by purchasing this coffee blend, please click the link below. We hope you enjoy the coffee.

Napavine School District Roasted Coffee, 12 oz Bag


Go Tigers!