A wooden table with black scrabble tiles and white lettering that spells NOVEMBER

Important Dates

November 1st-8th - Early release days for end of 1st quarter and Parent-Teacher-Conferences

November 5th - Career Fair Day (Jr/Sr High)

November 6th - Elementary Veterans Day Assembly

November 8th - Jr/Sr High Veterans Day Assembly

November 11th - Veterans Day - No School

November 27th - Early release for Thanksgiving Break!

November 28th-29th - Thanksgiving Break - No School!

November 1-8th Early Release Days

November 1st through the 8th the elementary will be released at 11:50am, whereas the Jr/Sr High School will be released at 12:00pm. November 1st marked the end of 1st quarter, while the 4th-8th will have Parent-Teacher Conferences.

November 5th Career Fair Day

On Tuesday, November 5th, there will be representatives from 30+ businesses, colleges, agencies and armed services in the high school gym to meet with students about opportunities after graduating. The Career Fair event takes place from 8am-12pm.

CTE Mobile Lab

The high school was chosen as the first recipient to receive a temporary mobile CTE lab. This will begin use on the Career Fair Day and will be on campus for a month. The lab will be ran by Centralia College and provide students with a wide range of educational opportunities!

Veterans Day Assemblies

On Wednesday, November 6th, the Elementary will hold their assembly in the Elementary/MS gymnasium from 8:40am-9:15am. A reception will be held afterwards in the Elementary Library. On Friday, November 8th at the high school, a reception with cookies and coffee will begin at 10:05am. From 10:55am-11:40am the Jr/Sr High School will hold their assembly in the High School gymnasium. Family members, close friends and currently active members who have served or are serving are invited to attend to be recognized, honored and thanked for their service. Due to seating capacity in both gymnasiums, we ask that only family members who bring veterans attend the assembly.

Coffee Sale

The Napavine School District is excited to announce a new collaboration with Chocolati, a Seattle-based company, to create a custom coffee blend available for sale to the public. This unique partnership allows us to develop our own coffee flavor with our stamp on the packaging, all in support of raising funds for the district and our students.

For every sale on Amazon, Chocolati will donate $4 to the Napavine School District, with funds distributed quarterly.

If youā€™d like to support our students by purchasing this coffee blend, please click the link below. We hope you enjoy the coffee.

Napavine School District Roasted Coffee, 12 oz Bag


Napavine Apparel

We have another Napavine apparel on sale for the 2024-25 school year. Now is the time to purchase your gear.  This online apparel store will be closing on November 12th. Items will be shipped to mailing addresses that you provided to the online store when you purchase your items. If you have any questions, please reach out to Eric Hersman at ehersman@napavineschools.org or phone at 360-262-3301.

Napavine Online Store


CTE Mobile!

Thanksgiving Break!

On Wednesday, November 27th, the Elementary will release at 11:50am and the Jr/Sr High School will release at 12pm for Thanksgiving Break. There will be no school on the 28th or 29th!

Go Tigers!