The Napavine School District participates in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program or the Special Milk Program. Near the beginning of each school year, the District provides both parents and the public with information regarding meal applications. It is the goal of Napavine School District Food Service Program's to provide healthy, nutritious meals for our students. Information regarding meal applications and other pertaining documents can be found on this page under "Free and Reduced Price Meals Information"

You can reach the Food Service Office at the Napavine High School at 360-807-5486.

Request for Proposal for Food Service Management Company

Notice of Request for Proposals

Public Announcement

Meals for Washington Students

We are pleased to announce that the Napavine Elementary School meal program will be supplemented by Meals for Washington Students funds.  Meals for Washington Student funds are available to select WA schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.  

What does this mean for my student(s) who attend Napavine Elementary School?

In schools supplemented by Meals for Washington Students funds, all students receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost, regardless of family income.

Why is the school district requesting financial information?

The information that you provide by returning the meal application impacts the funding that each school receives from the federal and state government.  The Meal Application is used to capture information and ensure that the district receives all the funding it is entitled to for federal meal programs and state educational programs. 

How will this information be protected?

In keeping with current practices, hard copies are locked in a secure location and information that is entered into Skyward is available only to designated staff members.

What do I need to do?

Please complete the meal application located below, or on our home page, and return it to Mrs. Bagge, at Napavine Elementary School.  Your assistance in helping us maintain our current funding levels is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, please contact the district office at 360-262-3303.

Wellness Policy Review

Every year, the Napavine School District Wellness Committee reviews our Wellness Policy.  The Wellness Committee is made up of teachers, administrators, parents, and community members.  Also every three years, our individual schools are required to review their practices on how they reflect the wellness program goals of the district.  The Napavine School District would like to share the results of the annual review from September, as well as the triennial assessment. If anyone is interested in being a member of the district's wellness committee, please contact or 360-262-3303.

Free and Reduced Price Meals Information

If you would like information regarding free and reduced meals for the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program, please click the link for the CNEEB (formerly known as the free and reduced meal application) PDF below. You can also contact your school's main office.

Summer EBT/SUN Bucks

Need a little breathing room in your budget to help feed your children when they are out of school this summer? You may be able to get extra help - $120 per eligible child - on top of free summer meals available in your area. Learn more: Sun Bucks

More Summer Meals Mean More Summer Smiles

Nearly 30 million children participate in USDA’s school breakfast and lunch programs on an average school day. When school is out for the summer, kids lose access to these healthy meals, but they still need nutritious food to grow healthy and strong. SUN Meals are available at neighborhood locations to help our kids get the nutrition they need over summer break.

With SUN Meals, kids 18 and under can get free meals and snacks at schools, parks, and other group meal locations. And, in some rural areas, meals can be picked up or delivered through SUN Meals To-Go.

You don’t need to apply for SUN Meals or SUN Meals To-Go. Every child is welcome to eat and connect with other kids, and some meal locations offer fun activities, too!

Find summer meal sites near you. Summer Meals

Más comidas de verano representan más sonrisas durante el verano

Casi 30 millones de niños participan en los programas de desayunos y almuerzos escolares del Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA) en un día escolar de promedio. Cuando la escuela está cerrada durante el verano, muchos niños pierden acceso a estas comidas saludables, aunque siguen necesitando alimentos nutritivos para crecer sanos y fuertes.

Con el programa SUN Meals, los niños de 18 años o menor pueden recibir comidas y snacks gratis en escuelas, parques y otros sitios elegibles. Y en algunas áreas rurales, pueden recoger comidas para llevar con SUN Meals To-Go o pedir que se las entreguen a su hogar.

No tendrá que aplicar para SUN Meals o SUN Meals To-Go. Todos los niños están invitados a comer y conectarse con otros niños. ¡Algunos sitios también ofrecen actividades divertidas!

Encuentre sitios de comidas de verano cercanos a su domicilio. Summer Meals

Other Useful Links

If you are looking for the School Lunch menu, see the Menu links on the main page of the Elementary or Jr./Sr. High School pages.